rebuy a test winner for refurbished smartphones at Stiftung Warentest
Story originally published by rebuy
● Test winner in the “Online Retailer” category with an overall grade of 2.2 (good)
● Top grade 1.8 (good) in the “Quality of Smartphones” category among online retailers
Stiftung Warentest has tested online shops for refurbished smartphones and published them in the current issue 03/2023. The results: The test winner in the “Online Retailer” category with an overall grade of 2.2 (good) is the recommerce provider rebuy. The testers here were most impressed by the quality of the remanufactured smartphones at rebuy; all of the cell phones tested by the recommerce pioneer from Berlin were free of defects.
“The test victory as an online retailer for refurbished smartphones confirms our claim to quality leadership and is a great success for the whole team. At the same time, the test results make it clear that it is now easy to buy high-quality electronic devices used safely and with a guarantee. This particularly important to us because it allows us to reduce the amount of electronic waste and give the topic of circular economy the necessary attention,” says Philipp Gattner, CEO of rebuy.
Top marks for functionality check and usability of the devices
The following categories were tested: “Purchasing”, “Quality of the smartphones”, “Price savings on the smartphones purchased” and “Defects in the general terms and conditions”. In the “Quality of Smartphones” category, rebuy received the top grade for the function check. Among other things, the camera, display, touchscreen, speakers, buttons and sockets were tested here. rebuy also achieved a “very good” rating for the usability of the devices (overall impression and description of the condition of the tested smartphones). In the test, Stiftung Warentest also found no defects in the terms and conditions and rated the price savings as “medium”. The retailer also delivers a good result here compared to the
other shops tested.
rebuy has the most modern grading location in Europe
rebuy recorded a record turnover of more than 200 million euros last year. While the majority of online retail struggled with declining sales in 2022, the recommerce provider can look back on the most successful year in its company history. The test result from Stiftung Warentest underlines rebuy's status as a quality leader, especially when it comes to grading and refurbishing smartphones. The cornerstone of this success is full control over all process steps in-house. rebuy has the most modern grading location in Europe, where electronic devices such as smartphones are checked and categorized quickly and with high precision using robots and automated processes.
“We have seen increasing demand for used products for years. The potential is enormous – both in the area of refurbished smartphones and laptops as well as used media such as books. We now employ over 630 people at five locations and have been profitable for the fourth year. We want to continue our profitable growth in the current financial year,” concluded Gattner.